August 2011

Liver: in  Kawaii Anime - Shin Akiba

I had a lot more fun with 52-weeks-of-colour liver than I thought: I turned the corner once I started channeling Helena Bonham Carter in one of her goth roles. The only new thing was the lovely pair of boots: I’ve had this dress for ages and I bought the Zoe hair when it came out (I wish Exile still used this colour with their new hair, good mid/pale blues are harder to find). I was doing some random searching for a place to shoot some pictures and found the Kawaii Anime – Shin Akiba location, which had really good lighting and atmosphere.
Liver: in  Kawaii Anime - Shin Akiba
First Princess Dress: Bare Rose
Boho boots: Les petits details
Crochet top: Paradisis
Agate bib necklace: Paper Couture
Zoe hair in blizzard: Exile
Skinned knee tights: Punch Drunk (no longer available)
Blackcurrant eyes: Aphotic Gloom
Pose: Vanity Universe
Skin by Tuli, no longer available

I decided I’d solved the chartreuse problem (for the 52 weeks of colour challenge) when I found this satin jacket from Lika Ruby, then when I went to Zaara to pick up the earrings that are part of the Platinum Hunt, I wandered into Tesla and couldn’t resist these shoes. They’re a really shiny metalic green, like little green shiny beetles. My cat Quilt was lying in her favourite position flat out on the floor and I thought she made a nice contrast to the shoes.
No cats were harmed
Suka Jan in green (jacket): Lika Ruby
Jacqui pants: Last Call (no longer available)
High oxford shoes in Jade: Tesla
Robin hair in White: Tukinowaguma (tinted with Tukinowaguma colour picker to blue)
Hairbase Blue: W and Y
“Bro” locket: Yummy
Anjami Chandelier earrings *gold*: Zaara (Platinum hunt)
Sitting in: Ball Chair 63 – Black: Stuff Store
Skin by Tuli and eyes by Miriel: no longer available


Jazzberry moment
Jazzberry is the latest in Luna Jubilee’s 52 weeks of colour challenge. As is the case with several of these colours, it’s a case of “hope the right colour is in there somehwere”. It seemed somewhere between plum and raspberry, and if I wanted I could paint my RL room jazzberry though that paint looks a bit darker than Luna’s. The main bits of my outfit are from Bare Rose and as usual from them it’s very good value, with 3 colours and lots of bits and pieces. The Pixeldolls box is nothing to do with anything in the outfit, but I remembered that the box their stuff came in was a sort of vintage jazzberry colour.
Coloured Kaara (pink) costume: Barerose (also includes wings and headdress)
Vilda open boot (wine) and black lace tights and rose hair pin: G. Field
Floral gown (jacket part only): C’est la vie
Gabriel hair in blueberry: Truth
Fleur necklace, Nouveau earrings and eyes: Miriel (no longer available)
Kawai pose: Olive Juice

Bubblegum weekend
A quick “Bubblegum weekend” post, I added these pics to the pool at the weekend. People wear “unnatural” colours for the bubblegum challenges: I always wear an “unnatural” colour, so I could really just post EVERYTHING (or do a reverse-bubblegum, i.e. post in one of those weird so-called “natural” colours, like blonde 😉 Anyway, instead I’m taking the opportunity to do other colours, like purple or pink.
The hair is Truth’s Hazel in granny colour, outfit is Barerose’s Ayame Hime (part of BareRose 24 Hour Release Marathon For Japan Relief Effort), hairflower by Ticky Tacky, Sunny leggings by Prelude. In the first picture I’m using the “zombie nurse” pose by Olive Juice, and in the second picture I’m riding Barerose’s ChaguChagu Umakko horse (also a charity item). You can ride along on it, and you can see it’s very prettily decked out.

Games mad in apricot
I had lined this dress up as my 52 weeks of colour “apricot post” last week: when I looked at Luna Jubilee’s post I found that she’d chosen this dress too! Still, my take is reasonably different, so I decided not to spend ages chosing something else. I found two hand held “games” with poses, and I decided to take the pictures near my whack-a-mole machine (it works rather like a real whack-a-mole; fun).

Maxi one-piece(apricot): evergreen*
twinkle corsage pink: tomoto (gatcha)
Lace Tops “Lucy” (tinted): G Field
Freesia Hair – Berry Slushie: Raspberry Aristocrat
Vintage Lace Bib Necklace -Cream Ribbon: League
Espadrille flats pink: Duh (free)
Ninpendo DS blue “Dokidoki Memory” and PSP (Playstation) by Maruco Catseye

There seems quite a lot of variation in what people are blogging as “melon” in the 52 weeks of colour challenge, but I think I’m in the right area with this t-shirt. In case I’m wrong, I put plenty of watermelons in the picture (gifts from a hunt a year or so ago). The tambourine came as a freebie with the Puarangi Designs set, and I only just discovered it in the folder, although I’ve had it for ages. Cute!
I always feel odd with hair that isn’t blue, but when I was trying on the different hair in the “colours” pack of this new Truth Zaria hair, I thought this colour went well with the outfit, so I kept it for the pic. It would help if the colour names were a bit more obvious (actually this is “hotpink”, which is logical, but how are you expected to guess what colour “granny” or “gem” are?)

Long T in pink: Oyakin
Dolce vita bolero in grey: Paradisis
Classic jeans in ash: Zaara
Zaria hair in hotpink streaked with fairyfloss: Truth
Gypsy necklace, earrings, bracelet and tambourine in pinks: Puarangi Designs
Straw button ballets in silver: Duh
Pose by Ribbon